DSE Scotland
DSE Training & Assessements
our services
DSE Assessor Training

booking - public courses
You can book one or more places on any of our CIEHF-accredited public DSE Assessor Training courses by completing the form below.
Places on our public training courses are limited and allocated on a first come, first served basis so early booking is recommended.
General Booking Information
We normally acknowledge receipt of Booking Forms within two working days, so please contact us if you have not heard back within that timescale. At the same time, we will send our invoice to the person nominated on your Booking Form. Our payment terms are thirty calendar days from the invoice date, and fees must always be paid in full prior to the course start date. Invoices include full details of the payment methods we accept: bank transfer (preferred), cheque and credit/debit card. Please note that while places will be reserved on receipt of a completed Booking Form, they are only guaranteed once full payment is received. We reserve the right not to admit attendees to either face-to-face or virtual training courses where course fees have not been paid.
Joining Instructions
Course joining instructions are sent out to delegates by email two weeks prior to the course date. If these need to be copied to anyone else, or are required at an earlier stage, please let us know. For virtual courses, attendees will be sent an online meeting invitation.
Virtual DSE Assessor Training
Courses are delivered using the Zoom platform. While meetings can be joined from web browsers without downloading full Zoom software, more functionality is available when using the Zoom app itself.
As with face-to-face training, virtual courses are interactive and so attendees will need to use a device which has a built in camera (or web cam). A suitably fast and reliable internet connection which can support video calls is also needed. We strongly recommend that any necessary checks on technical requirements are made well in advance of training.
To promote interaction, places on virtual courses are limited to create smaller groups (than for face-to-face training). By booking a place or participating in a virtual course, you agree to share and keep your Zoom video and audio feed active as required.
Changing a Delegate Name
Delegate names can be changed as required - please contact us as soon as possible prior to the course start date. However, if delegates cannot attend or don't arrive for the course you must still pay the full fee.
Course Cancellations
In rare occasions we may have to cancel courses, change their dates or significantly amend their content because for other reasons beyond our control. If this happens, we will contact you as soon as reasonably possible prior to the course start date and offer you either a transfer to another course, or a full refund. Unfortunately we cannot meet any consequential losses.
Cancelling Your Booking
Please contact us as soon as possible if you wish to cancel your booking.
Please refer to our terms and conditions of business for further information.